Call us to schedule a consultation. It is always better to seek legal advice before the actual separation.
No! Never leave the marital residence until you have spoken to an attorney.
The cost depends on whether you are pursuing an uncontested absolute divorce or a divorce with equitable distribution or other necessary claims. We charge a flat fee plus court costs and service fees for an uncontested divorce. Call our office for a consultation to determine if there are any claims that need to be raised in addition to absolute divorce.
Claims for alimony, post separation support and equitable distribution are considered waived if the claims are not raised in a court action prior to the entry of a divorce judgment. Always speak to an attorney before filing for divorce or allowing your spouse to enter a divorce judgment.
North Carolina allows for dependent spouses to receive alimony. The duration and amount of alimony is set at the discretion of the judge.
The calculation for child support depends on the number of over-nights the children spend in each home. This determines which worksheet will be used to calculate the monthly payment. The court will then look at each parent’s gross monthly income in addition to work-related childcare costs and monthly health insurance premium payments. The court can also consider extraordinary expenses incurred by either parent.
Stepparent adoptions can be completed by consent by the non-spouse parent or by termination of their parental rights. It is generally a multi-step process conducted in both juvenile court and through the Office of the Clerk of Court.
A parent cannot “sign-away” their parental rights. A parent can consent to adoption by a stepparent or third-party.
North Carolina allows for termination of parental rights under certain, very specific conditions including abandonment of the child and failure to provide support. Typically, termination of parental rights is pursued when a stepparent or third party wish to adopt the child.
I represent domestic and adoption clients in Craven, Carteret and Pamlico counties.